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Automation testing is a process of executing a set of test cases with the help of automation tools. It helps to speed up the testing process and reduce costs associated with manual testing.

Automation testing can be used for both functional and non-functional tests. It is also used to test applications on different platforms such as web, mobile, and desktop.

This allows software developers to quickly identify any bugs or issues before they become a problem in production. .To test for functional aspects, automation tests are designed to simulate a user's tasks or behaviors.

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Benefits of automation testing:

Automation testing is a process that uses automated tools to test software applications for errors, performance, and functionality.

This type of testing helps to improve the quality of software by identifying issues earlier in the development cycle.

Automation testing has become an essential part of any software development process due to its numerous advantages.

It can save time, money, and resources by reducing manual labor and increasing accuracy and efficiency. Automation testing also helps to reduce the number of bugs in code, leading to fewer defects in production.

. It integrates with Java, C#, and Python frameworks and has a wide range of functionality for automating web browsers on all versions of the operating system (see Figure 1).

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